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Couverture de Love Rinkside

Love Rinkside

De : G.K. Brady
Lu par : Ryan Lee Dunlap, Shiloh James
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    She’s given up on men. He has no time for love. When a Halloween party turns into a night of outrageous costumes and police chases, can they score a forever goal?

    Drew Foster is trapped in a one-man operation. Focused on building his small IT consulting business, the workaholic thirty-one-year-old has no time for close relationships except with his sister and widowed mom. But at a Halloween bash hosted by his brother-in-law’s hockey teammate, he hits it off with an unknown woman in an outrageous mascot costume.

    Katie Denning is done with men. Burned by past boyfriends using her to get close to the professional sports team, the loyal dog-lover leaves the party with a guy dressed as a giant banana slug… only to be pursued by police. And after a night of adventure and fun with the cute guy running from the cops, she plucks up the courage to ask him on a date.

    Though their romantic rendezvous is cut short by her Chow-mix attacking him, a determined Drew asks for a second chance. A cautiously optimistic Katie begins falling hard, but she fears Drew’s work demands could result in her facing another painful rejection.

    Are they about to get stuck on the sidelines before they can score a forever goal?

    Love Rinkside is a lighthearted novella in The Playmakers Series of contemporary sports romances. If you like revisiting secondary characters, steamy scenes, and quick entertaining listens, then you’ll adore G.K. Brady’s happily ever after.

    ©2023 G.K. Brady (P)2024 G.K. Brady

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