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Couverture de Love Me or Leave Me Alone

Love Me or Leave Me Alone

De : K.C. Mills
Lu par : Charlie L. Wood, Dylan Ford
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    Mission Alexander is the epitome of a boss.

    Rude, uncaring, and sexy all at the same time, Mission is who he is unapologetically. Nothing comes before his money or his business. Now that he has conquered the illegal world, his cousin urges him to cross over to the legit side. Not liking change, Mission resists this new venture until he realizes the connection it has with someone he wants—Tayah Nolan!

    Tayah Nolan has always settled to make things in her life easy; this includes her fiancé and career. Feeling like her life is stagnant and with some encouragement from her sister Myon, she finally takes a risk that will change her whole life. Meeting Mission Alexander forces some big changes in her personal and professional life, but is she prepared to embrace either one?

    Myon Nolan is what some would call a free spirit. Living life day to day, she prefers things to just flow. This has caused her to stay with her boyfriend, Niko, even though she knows he constantly cheats on her. A quick run-in with Navarro Alexander has Myon realizing what a real man is like, even before she wants to acknowledge it.

    Navarro Alexander, lawyer by day and thug by night, has been stuck in his situationship for far too long. He is comfortable where he is at, but in the back of his mind, he knows he wants more. A rough upbringing causes Navarro to care more than he should for people.

    Navigating through their personal and professional lives, these four must figure out how everything fits together. The puzzle won't be easy and will have each of them reevaluating things. As they go back and forth, there will come a time when they each find themselves stuck on the same thought: Love Me or Leave Me Alone.

    ©2020 K.C. Mills (P)2024 Podium Audio

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