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Love Is All You Need

De : Ashmita Singh
Lu par : Kierstin Valenti
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    In this cute office romance, Love is All You Need, Shyna is a young girl who is battling through one problem or another in her life. From an early age, she is expected to shoulder all financial responsibilities in the wake of her father's untimely death and her mother's paralysis.

    Her life revolves around bills ranging from her landlord, her mother's medications, to the schooling of her young siblings. With the obligations of her entire family, her life becomes one tireless struggle to make ends meet.

    Things start to look up but then, she accidentally makes the worst first impression in front of a renowned American billionaire who ends up being her boss. As she works as his assistant, she comes to know that he has deep, and ugly attitude issues. She embarks on a challenging yet fascinating journey with her arrogant boss that begins with hatred and slowly evolves into something… perhaps…more serious…

    You'll love this slow-burn office romance book, which includes tragedy, drama, romance, thrill, spice, and everything nice.

    ©2023 Ashmita Singh (P)2024 Ashmita Singh

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