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  • Love Heals

  • How the Power of Hope and Family Support Led to a Miraculous Recovery
  • De : Usha Tandon
  • Lu par : Jodi Stapler
  • Durée : 3 h et 14 min

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Love Heals

De : Usha Tandon
Lu par : Jodi Stapler
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    It's very important for us as human beings to love and be loved by our family and friends.

    This is never more important than when life takes a downturn in the form of a sick loved one. Love Heals is the true story of a doctor's journey from successful physician to patient facing illness after illness, until his life depended upon a heart transplant so risky, few hospitals would even dare to attempt it. At one point, the family faced the dilemma of choosing between an artificial heart or taking a risk of waiting for a donor heart when the patient was given 24 hours to live.

    This is an eye opening story about how Dr. Tandon's wife and family met the barrage of setbacks and complications with unconditional love, hope, faith and a positive attitude. The story sheds light on how to face similar challenges with patience and calm in the face of the intense human emotions.

    Ultimately, Love Heals shows us how hardships and challenges become our educators and help us to toughen and grow stronger, and teach us to practice kindness and compassion with others.

    ©2022 Usha Tandon (P)2022 Usha Tandon

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