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  • Love, Dating & Attraction Ultimate Collection

  • Proven Dating Advice for Women Who Want to: Attract Quality Men, Find Healthy Relationships, and Have Fun Picking the Perfect Guy
  • De : Victoria Knightley
  • Lu par : Katheryn Siggers, Rhonda Pownall
  • Durée : 7 h et 20 min

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Love, Dating & Attraction Ultimate Collection

De : Victoria Knightley
Lu par : Katheryn Siggers, Rhonda Pownall
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    Unleash your inner brilliant vixen, pick the right high-quality man, and live your dream of a romantic happy-ever-after.

    How many times have you met a new man and been filled with hope that this time you’ve met Mr. Right only to find a few dates later that he’s Mr. Wrong? But what if you could stop wasting precious time? What if you could bring out your best self and attract a high-quality man? The good news is you can!

    This handbook will show you how to unleash your inner brilliant vixen and choose Mr. Right sooner rather than later.

    You’ll discover:

    • How to identify a Mr. Wrong on the first date and not waste months and years trying to build a romantic relationship that ends in heartbreak.
    • What qualities a brilliant vixen has and how to unleash your brilliant vixen so that high-quality men find you irresistible.
    • Why you keep falling for bad boys and emotionally unavailable men…and run away when you do get a high-quality man.
    • How you can find out what’s really important to you, what you care about most, and what you’re looking for in a man by repeatedly asking yourself this question.
    • The one thing you should never say that deflates the mood and sends the wrong message.
    • How to make him work for your love without being an annoying tease.
    • Nine signs of social wellness and why you should look for them in a man.
    • How to stop chasing men who are not worth catching…and how to attract and keep the ones who are.
    • How to take advantage of the five senses to attract the right man without looking desperate.

    Become the woman you are meant to be… and don’t settle for a man not worthy of you. Stop wasting time dating the wrong men, find your Mr. Right, and have the fairy tale ending you’ve dreamed of.

    ©2023 School of Impossible Publishing (P)2023 School of Impossible Publishing

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