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Couverture de Love, Almost

Love, Almost

De : Hayley Doyle
Lu par : Hayley Doyle
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    ‘The perfect blend of humour, heartache and hope’ Holly Miller, author of Richard & Judy Book Club Pick The Sight of You

    Chloe and Jack are soulmates. But life has other plans…

    Chloe is deliriously in love for the very first time. But when Jack, her boyfriend of five months, is killed in a tragic accident, she is left reeling. Their relationship was amazing – but it never really had the chance to get started.

    Grieving but determined, Chloe decides to live life for the both of them and makes her way through the list of things they’d planned to do together – this time on her own.

    A heartwarming read about falling in love and finding yourself again after loss, from the author of Never Saw You Coming. Perfect for fans of Me Before You and PS, I Love You.

    ‘The perfect blend of humour, heartache and hope. I really enjoyed following the twists and turns of Chloe’s journey as she set out to explore what it means to live again after loss’ Holly Miller, author of The Sight of You

    ‘A beautiful read about life, love and loss – prepare to fall in love with these characters’ Woman’s Way

    ‘Refreshingly honest, with tears of sadness and tears of laughter from start to finish’ Debbie Johnson, author of Maybe One Day

    ‘Told movingly, but you’ll often be laughing through your tears’ My Weekly

    ‘As heart-breaking as it is life-affirming. Love, Almost is a beautiful and fragile story about the journey through grief and all the might-have-beens’ Hannah Sunderland, author of Very Nearly Normal

    ‘Hankies at the ready for this one … a tale of heartache and hope’ Woman

    ©2021 Hayley Doyle (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers Limited

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