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Couverture de Lost Radio

Lost Radio

De : Kevin Candela
Lu par : Natsumi Bailey
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    The creator of The Krakenstein Chronicles follows up his first two SF/fantasy/horror/comedy short story collections, A Year in the Borderlands and Playing with Reality, with a third heaping helping of generally freakish tales from the other side of existence. Wild narratives of mystery, horror, awe - and even some laughs - are assembled here together for the first time. From the rampaging, reactor-devouring machine in "The Find" to body-dissolving nanobots in "Vapor"...from a futuristic form of entertainment that strands you in a lifeless sea of sand in "Escape World" to the voice of experience explaining why it's not smart to try to track down Bigfoot all by yourself...from a shapeless and unnaturally cold Antarctic menace the size of a lake to the first murder in outer space...Lost Radio brings you the timelessly eerie and thrilling stories of things that very well could be - whether you want them to exist or not.

    ©2020 Kevin Candela (P)2021 Kevin Candela

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