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Couverture de Losing my Mind

Losing my Mind

De : Thomas DeBaggio
Lu par : Cotter Smith
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    When Tom DeBaggio turned 57 in 1999, he thought he was embarking on the golden years of retirement -- time to spend with his family, his friends, and the herb garden he spent decades cultivating.

    One winter day, he told his doctor during a routine exam that he had been stumbling into forgetfulness. After it subsequent battery of tests, DeBaggio joined the legion of 12 million others afflicted with Alzheimer's disease.

    Losing My Mind is an extraordinary first-person account that charts the ups and downs of early onset Alzheimer's -- a form of the disease which can he particularly ravaging to younger, more alert minds. DeBaggio started writing on the first day of his diagnosis and has continued despite his slipping grasp on his memory.

    DeBaggio paints a vivid picture of the splendor of memory and the pain that comes from its loss. DeBaggio poignantly depicts one of the most important parts of our lives -- remembrance -- and how we tend to overlook it. But to DeBaggio, memory is more than just an account of a time long past, it is one's ability to function, to think and ultimately, to survive. As his life is reduced to moments of clarity, the true power of thought and his ability to connect to the world shines through.

    A testament to the beauty of memory, Losing My Mind is more than just an account of Alzheimer's, it is the captivating story of one man's battle to stay connected with the world.

    ©2002 Thomas DeBaggio (P)2002 Simon & Schuster

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