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  • Losing Someone You Love

  • A Handbook to Dealing with Grief & Loss While Healing and Honoring Your Loved One
  • De : Carmen Rembert
  • Lu par : Linda Hamblin Denton
  • Durée : 46 min

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Losing Someone You Love

De : Carmen Rembert
Lu par : Linda Hamblin Denton
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    "Losing Someone You Love” is a thoughtful and compassionate book about Navigating Grief with Understanding and Hope. It offers a compassionate and quick guide to help individuals cope with the profound pain of loss. The book delves into the complexities of grief, distinguishing between "Normal Death" and "Trauma," shedding light on the emotional landscapes of expected versus sudden losses.

    It also highlights the widely recognized "Stages of Grief," the author provides a roadmap to the rollercoaster of emotions that individuals may encounter after losing a loved one. It offers personal and real-life stories of ones who have navigated the stages, helping gain insights to better comprehend and process their grief.

    The book emphasizes the significance of "Moving Forward" while grieving, helping individuals adapt to life without their loved one, finding meaning, and honor their memory. It offers some practical strategies, tools and references for coping and rebuilding through the healing process. In times of immense grief, one can feel isolated and alone. The book reassures listeners that "You Are Not Alone" by sharing stories of others who have endured similar losses, fostering a sense of connection and unity. The validity of their feelings is acknowledged, providing comfort and support.

    Overall, "Losing Someone You Love" is a compassionate companion, providing understanding, hope, support and healing. Whether listeners have recently lost a loved one or seek ways to support someone in grief, this book serves as a guiding light through the darkest days of loss.

    ©2023 Carmen Rembert (P)2024 Carmen Rembert

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