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Couverture de Lori's Voice

Lori's Voice

De : P.S. Adair
Lu par : Madison Alcala
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    Lori had a hard life. Her childhood got off to a good start, but after her mom died in a horrific car accident, life was never the same. Her dad became angry and abusive, and he made Lori feel worthless.

    Even in adulthood, Lori's self-esteem was horribly low. That's why she married Jeff—a man just like her father.

    On that foundation of toxic relationships and abuse, Lori experienced the most brutal grief in the world—the death of her child.

    In a tailspin, Lori might not make it out alive. Will she get the help she needs? Will she stand up to Jeff? Can she find a way to use her writing career to help mothers like her?

    Lori's Voice is a painful yet inspirational story. Listen to it today to have your heart broken, but your soul inspired by the strength Lori finds.

    This is a short listen—about an hour in length.

    This book five of the Postscript Book Series.

    The postscript of a letter. That tiny bit at the end. That might be exceedingly valuable. The P.S. can reframe everything that came before. It stands out. It is the heart of the matter.

    Like a P.S., death and grief can be that bit at the end. Grief and death are valuable, though easily unconsidered. Last words from a dying loved one can reframe previous decades. And grief can become the lens through which we see everything else. We remember. We grieve. We love.

    "What is grief, if not love persevering?" (Marvel's Wandavision)

    The Postscript Series is a collection of six short stories. I will warn you that someone dies in each and every story. Often the character you like the most is the one who will die, or at least is devastated by grief. These are not victory stories. They are meaningful stories. Just as in life, we cannot always win. But we can always find meaning.

    Grab a box of tissues and a little time. Each story takes an hour (or a little more) to listen to.

    My prayer is that the stories in the Postscript Series warm (and break) your heart, but also integrate into your heart the most avoided topic in the Western world: death.

    "The 5 Worst Things to Say to a Grieving Person" is available as a free PDF. Go to now.

    ©2022 Patrick Riecke (P)2022 Patrick Riecke

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