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Couverture de Lord of the Underworld

Lord of the Underworld

De : Skyler Andra
Lu par : Bridget Bordeaux, Jake Bordeaux
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    Hades messed up. It's his fault the Lady of the Underworld left...again. The guy just can't keep a good goddess down. But the Lord of the Dead can't mope about the Underworld while it tears apart. Breaches in the fabric of the afterlife have allowed souls to escape and return to their lives. Something is wrong, and Hades needs Autumn's help for her to become the death goddess to figure it out.

    After Hades hid who she really was, Autumn no longer wants anything to do with gods, death, or the goddess awakening in her. That's why she hightailed it to Fiji: to grow tropical flowers and eat pineapple and coconuts all day. But when Hades shows up with a bargain, a way to severe the connection between them, to free her of the grief of missing him and longing for what they had together, she agrees. Only, Autumn will have to dive into the death goddess side of her, a side of her that has already killed, a side that terrifies her. When life and death collide, there can only be one winner. 

    Lord of the Underworld is book two in the Operation Hades series, a steamy paranormal fated-mates romance with a dark, brooding, and sexy Greek god, godly avatars, and loads of flower puns.

    ©2021 Skyler Andra (P)2021 Skyler Andra

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