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  • Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

  • Uncovering the Secret to the Love You Want
  • De : Dee Carroll
  • Lu par : ML De Blasi
  • Durée : 3 h et 1 min

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Couverture de Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

De : Dee Carroll
Lu par : ML De Blasi
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    Always picking the wrong guys?

    Worried there's something wrong with you?

    It's time to ditch the past and create the love you crave.

    Today, you will begin separating the best relationship advice from the myths you've been told about love. Learn how to break out of toxic patterns, heal the heartbreak of failed relationships, and finally get the happily-ever-after you deserve.

    You can undo the social conditioning that’s pushed you into bad relationships and kept you from finding true love.

    In Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places, you'll learn how to permanently change the game, moving beyond the patterns that keep you stuck and hurting. Dr. Dee will show you how to:

    • Overcome your fears around dating.
    • Stop falling into the same traps.
    • Love your life even while waiting for true love.
    • Attract the right partner.
    • Discover the number one secret to permanent love and personal happiness.

    Don't let the past write the future. And don't give up. Download this audiobook to start writing a tomorrow with true love at the center!

    ©2023 Dee Carroll (P)2023 Dee Carroll

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