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Couverture de Looking for God in Messy Places

Looking for God in Messy Places

De : Jake Owensby
Lu par : William Sarris
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    "This is beautiful and brilliant stuff, profound and plain, incredibly human, wise and charming. I trusted and enjoyed every word." (Anne Lamott, New York Times best-selling author about Looking for God in Messy Places)

    Life is messy. We can get discouraged by setbacks, overwhelmed by busyness, and shaken by worry. Hope is the power that gets us out of bed in the morning and gives us the courage to face adversity. Looking for God in Messy Places by Jake Owensby is a book about hope. How to find it. How to practice it. How to grow in it. Hope begins when we recognize that God is in this mess with us.

    This book is for anyone who has ever been frozen in place by loss or regret, anyone who has endured suffering, cruelty, or rejection. From word to word and page to page, listeners will experience themselves as God's beloved - so that they can be hopeful.

    Topics include: the power of love to give us hope; the ways that God shows up in our daily lives; recognizing God's call in our lives; becoming your true self; having a sense of belonging; forming a friendship with Christ; and contemplative faith.

    ©2021 Abingdon Press (P)2021 Tantor

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