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  • Look, Feel & Age Fabulous

  • For Intrepid Women: An Invigorating Perspective on Self-Confidence, Fabulosity, and Other Midlife Antics
  • De : Yolanda Drewell
  • Lu par : Yolanda Drewell
  • Durée : 3 h et 37 min

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Look, Feel & Age Fabulous

De : Yolanda Drewell
Lu par : Yolanda Drewell
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    Channel your inner Fabulosity and live a bigger, more dynamic, and purposeful midlife—break free from toxic societal messages that seek to color your path in boring beige!

    Right now, you know you are more courageous, authentic, and confident than you have ever been.

    Seeing midlife as a gift begins by making a decision and turning Fabulosity—living your most fabulous life—into a habit. Consider this book a “best friend” that shares a life philosophy you can embrace every day, to live your fullest and best life.

    In this audio, you will find:

    • The Fabuli Archetype—how she feels, what she does, and what she thinks
    • How to see life as a continual adventure and make bold, experimental, novel decisions
    • How looking, feeling, and doing fabulous are all interconnected—and why they all foster your well-being and that of everyone else around you!
    • Why reinventing yourself over and over again is a key way to have a continual purpose—and to avoid the pain of “empty nest syndrome”
    • How people who live full, creative, authentic lives can inspire you to follow suit in your own personal way
    • Why positive self-image beats plastic surgery every time
    • How to find the patterns that will help you discover who you are and the things you are truly passionate about
    • 12 questions to discover the queen you want to be next—you can wear various crowns throughout your lifetime!
    • Why you should embrace your good, bad, and ugly sides—literally!
    • 11 common fears—and why there is no room for them in the fabosphere
    • And so much more

    Discover and celebrate the authentic you by daring to go where no woman has ever been before.

    Break free from expectations—everyone else’s as well as your own—and embrace the Queen within. Buy this audiobook right now.

    ©2023 Yolanda Drewell (P)2023 Yolanda Drewell

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