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Couverture de Long Way Home

Long Way Home

De : Cameron Douglas
Lu par : Cameron Douglas
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    A “gripping" memoir (Rolling Stone) of one man’s descent into the depths of addiction and self-destruction—and his successful renewal of family ties that had become almost irreparably frayed.

    On the surface, Cameron Douglas had everything: descended from Hollywood royalty (son of Michael Douglas, grandson of Kirk Douglas), he was born into a life of wealth, privilege, and comfort. But by the age of thirty, he had become a drug addict, a thief, and—after a DEA drug bust—a convicted drug dealer sentenced to five years in prison, with another five years added while he was incarcerated.

    Through supreme willpower, a belief in himself, and a steely desire to alter his life’s path, Douglas began to reverse his trajectory, to understand and deal with the psychological turmoil that tormented him for years, and to prepare for what would be a profoundly challenging but successful reentry into society at large.

    ©2019 Cameron Douglas (P)2019 Random House Audio


    “Frank, compelling, at times heartbreaking, and ultimately triumphant.” —Variety

    "Gripping." —Rolling Stone

    “Family permeates Douglas’s book.... Long Way Home is [an] unsparing account of how he pursued what he calls his ‘demented death wish,’ chasing addictions to heroin and liquid cocaine, shaking off rehabs and forcible interventions, and nearly getting himself killed numerous times.” —The New York Times

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