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Couverture de Lonestar Homecoming

Lonestar Homecoming

De : Colleen Coble
Lu par : Aimee Lilly
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    "Colleen is a master storyteller." (Karen Kingsbury, best-selling author of Shades of Blue)

    For most, it's the safest place on earth. For Gracie, it's the last place she wants to be...and the one place she must return.

    With nothing but five dollars and the wedding dress she's wearing, Gracie Lister flees with her daughter by train to West Texas, to the town she ran away from so long ago. There, they find refuge in the home of Michael Wayne - devoted single father and seasoned soldier - who gives Gracie a job caring for his two children and the hiding place she needs from her former fiancé.

    Michael and Gracie aren't looking for love, but it finds them right away. And then trouble comes to call in the form of Gracie's ex-fiancé who is now on the FBI's most-wanted list. Together, Michael and Gracie must find the strength they need to protect their newly forged family.

    "Colleen weaves intrigue and God's love into a story full of carefully crafted characters. If you're looking for an awesome writer, I highly recommend her!" (Tracie Peterson, best-selling author of Dawn's Prelude, Song of Alaska series)

    Full-length romantic suspense

    Includes discussion questions for book clubs

    Part of the Lonestar series, but can be listened to as a stand-alone

    1. Lonestar Sanctuary
    2. Lonestar Secrets
    3. Lonestar Homecoming
    4. Lonestar Angel
    ©2010 Colleen Coble (P)2019 Thomas Nelson

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