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Couverture de Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance

Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance

De : George Michael
Lu par : Mark Sando
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    On July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik detonated a car bomb in downtown Oslo, Norway. He didn't stop there, traveling several hours from the city to ambush a youth camp while the rest of Norway was distracted by his earlier attack. The evidence suggests a startling truth: that this was the work of one man, pursuing a mission he was convinced was just.

    If Breivik did indeed act alone, he wouldn't be the first. Timothy McVeigh bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City based essentially on his own motivations. Eric Robert Rudolph embarked on a campaign of terror over several years, including the Centennial Park bombing at the 1996 Olympics. Ted Kaczynski was revealed to be the Unabomber that same year. As George Michael demonstrates in Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance, they are not isolated cases. Rather, they represent the new way warfare will be conducted in the twenty-first century.

    In all these cases, those carrying out destructive acts operate as "lone wolves" and small cells, with little or no connection to formal organizations. Ultimately, Michael suggests that leaderless resistance has become the most common tactical approach of political terrorists in the West and elsewhere.

    The book is published by Vanderbilt University Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2012 Vanderbilt University Press (P)2022 Redwood Audiobooks


    "A comprehensive scholarly overview of most of the significant theories and research on terrorism." (Christopher Hewitt, author of Understanding Terrorism in America)

    "An important contribution to our understanding of a problem that will unfortunately continue to bedevil us." (Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, author of Bin Laden's Legacy)

    "George Michael has provided a richly detailed, timely, and fascinating account of the evolution of lone wolf terrorism." (Darren Mulloy, Wilfrid Laurier University, author of American Extremism)

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