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Couverture de Lone Star

Lone Star

De : T. R. Fehrenbach
Lu par : John McLain
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    Here is a must-listen history of the Lone Star State, together with an insider's look at the people, politics, and events that have shaped Texas from the beginning right up to our days. Never before has the story been told with more vitality and immediacy. Fehrenbach re-creates the Texas saga from prehistory to the Spanish and French invasions to the heyday of the cotton and cattle empires. He dramatically describes the emergence of Texas as a republic, the vote for secession before the Civil War, and the state's readmission to the Union after the War. In the 20th century oil would emerge as an important economic resource and social change would come. But Texas would remain unmistakably Texas, because Texans "have been made different by the crucible of history; they think and act in different ways, according to the history that shaped their hearts and minds."

    ©2000 T. R. Fehrenbach (P)2018 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire


    "Thought-provoking, highly original...a most distinctive chapter of American and Southern history." (Virginia Quarterly Review)

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