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  • Lolli and the Bunyip

  • Meditation Adventures for Kids, Book 5
  • De : Elena Paige
  • Lu par : Elena Paige
  • Durée : 53 min

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Lolli and the Bunyip

De : Elena Paige
Lu par : Elena Paige
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    Does your child struggle with self-esteem? Suffer from fears, anxieties, anger, and worry? Or even just have a hard time trying to fit in?

    Lolli and the Bunyip, includes three cleverly crafted meditations, designed specifically to promote healing and transformation while being incredibly fun and adventurous for the child.

    Lolli's Meditation Adventures are perfectly designed to help increase your children's self-esteem, enhance their imagination and encourage positive thinking.

    The meditations are designed to boost confidence, increase self-acceptance, and help kids make great choices in life.

    The main character, Lolli, speaks directly to children, making them feel part of the stories and helping them explore their emotions and feelings in a healthy way.

    Don't wait to explore the whimsical nature of the Land of Color, a beautiful world that leads your children through stories that they can feel a part of.

    Three original guided meditations include:

    Lolli and the Bunyip, helps your child expand their imagination by visiting the Australian Outback and meeting the mythical Bunyip. Along the way, they learn to overcome boredom and help some wallabies, too!

    Lolli and the Lonely Star, teaches your child to manage the struggles of being different by visiting outer space and helping a lonely star find friends that love and accept it, just the way it is!

    Lolli and the Treasure Map, teaches that everyone fails sometimes. Your child helps Bluebeard the Pirate rescue his treasure. Along the way, they need to avoid being eaten by the dancing giant, Clickety Grubs!

    Recently receiving a Reader's 5-star review By Jack Magnus, Elena Paige continues with this ground-breaking series that shows how infinitely adaptable meditation sessions can be, even for hyperactive, squirmy kids.

    The Meditation Adventures for Kids series has been particularly popular with homeschooled kids and homeschoolers, children with autism, ADD, and ADHD. A great tool to calm down and focus.

    ©2017 Elena Paige (P)2017 Elena Paige

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