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Couverture de Lockjaw


De : Matteo L. Cerilli
Lu par : Breton Lalama, Mich Anger, Arlen Aguayo Stewart
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    Death is neither the beginning nor the end for the children of Bridlington in this debut trans YA horror book for fans of Rory Power and Danielle Vega.

    Chuck Warren died tragically at the old abandoned mill, but Paz Espino knows it was no accident—there's a monster under the town, and she's determined to kill it before anyone else gets hurt. She'll need the help of her crew—inseparable friends, bound by a childhood pact stronger than diamonds, distance or death—to hunt it down. But she's up against a greater force of evil than she ever could have imagined.

    With shifting timeframes and multiple perspectives, Lockjaw is a small-town ghost story, where monsters living and dead haunt the streets, the homes and the minds of the inhabitants. For fans of Wilder Girls and The Haunted, this trans YA horror book by an incredible debut author will grab you and never let you go.

    ©2024 Matteo L. Cerilli (P)2024 Tundra Books


    "Cerilli delivers a stunning debut in this gripping paranormal horror novel about queer teens growing up in a community that doesn’t accept them and the insidious danger of apathy." —STARRED REVIEW, Publishers Weekly

    "Experimental, metaphorical, and poetic, this quiet novel is for thoughtful readers not averse to horror themes." Booklist

    "Cerilli does a masterful job of creating a memorable setting. . . . It is hard to believe that Lockjaw is Matteo L. Cerilli’s debut novel. Readers will look forward to many more to come! Highly recommended." CM: Canadian Review of Materials

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