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  • Living in Heaven, Coping with Hell

  • Israel's Northern Borders - Where Zionism Triumphed, the Kibbutz Evolves, and the Pioneering Spirit Prevails
  • De : Clifford Sobin
  • Lu par : Clifford Sobin
  • Durée : 13 h et 42 min

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Living in Heaven, Coping with Hell

De : Clifford Sobin
Lu par : Clifford Sobin
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    This is one book you must listen to about Israeli

    Written by a member of the International Advisory Board for a Northern Israel Research and Education Center, this fascinating narrative reveals the more than century-long story of a Jewish nation being rebuilt along Israel’s northern borders where it once flourished. Through intimate profiles of many residents in multiple border communities, combined with thorough research, listeners will meet people who settled the region, dealt with its tribulations, and that still struggle to live normal lives in a land that remains challenging. Those intrepid souls will inspire you and humor you as you come to know many ordinary men and women that have accomplished extraordinary things. Captured are stories of:

    • idealistic and courageous Jews fleeing pogroms in Eastern Europe and Russia.
    • Jews determined to restore the Jewish nation through Jewish labor and self-help.
    • Passionate Zionists building a nation.
    • Entrepreneurs.
    • The Kibbutz - its rise, fall, and struggle to rise again.
    • Kiryat Shmona’s troubling issues.
    • Terrorism and Katyushas.
    • Metula’s, Majdal Shams’, and Ghajar’s intriguing past and difficult futures.
    • Hezbollah, earthquakes, and medical care.
    • The author’s perspective and experiences unveiled as he crisscrossed the area.

    Written in a conversational style and propelled by Sobin’s passion for the region, this unforgettable narrative is required listening for learning about a critical part of Israel’s past, present, and future.

    ©2020 Clifford Sobin (P)2021 Clifford Sobin
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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