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  • Living Well with Chronic Illness

  • Write your own roadmap to healing in tough times
  • De : Grace Quantock
  • Durée : 8 h

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Living Well with Chronic Illness

De : Grace Quantock
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    The definitive guide to finding your own way of living a vibrant, fulfilling life alongside chronic illness.

    Writer and psychotherapeutic counsellor Grace Quantock uses her personal experience of living with chronic illness for over two decades, and from thousands of hours working with disabled and chronically ill clients, to help you create a Healing Roadmap that truly fits you, your body and your life. Grace will equip you with all the information and resources you need on your journey of finding a good life with chronic illness.

    From getting a diagnosis, to navigating struggling health and care systems, this guide can be used at any stage of your journey with chronic illness. Living Well With Chronic Illness will help you discover what it means for you to live with chronic illness and how to best understand your body, as well as access support and advocate for yourself in tough times. This vital resource will help anyone struggling with chronic illness - as well as their friends and family members - to discover the psychological tools needed to live life to its fullest.

    ©2024 Grace Quantock (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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