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Living, Healing and Tae Kwon Do

De : Laura Di Franco MPT
Lu par : Katy Murphy
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In Living, Healing and Tae Kwon Do, Laura Di Franco invites you to join her on her journey to empowerment as she and her son train together and learn the secrets to living fiercely alive.

You may have struggled with the fear of not being good enough. You’ll see how Laura conquered that fear by being willing to confront those feelings in her home, at her physical therapy clinic, and in the dojang.

When you listen to this inspiring audiobook, you’ll discover:

  • What the martial arts are all about
  • Candid personal journal entries
  • Powerful disciplines that will help you reclaim your worth
  • Things to do when your thoughts and beliefs are challenged and everything changes
  • Questions to ask yourself to connect to your inner warrior and start your own healing journey

Click on the "buy now" button to get the audiobook today. 

©2012, 2019 Laura Di Franco (P)2020 Laura Di Franco
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