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  • Living Cancer Free

  • A Warrior's Fall and Rise Through Food, Addiction + Cancer
  • De : Sara Quiriconi
  • Lu par : Sara Quiriconi
  • Durée : 5 h et 55 min

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Living Cancer Free

De : Sara Quiriconi
Lu par : Sara Quiriconi
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    Everyone loves the story of a survivor but the road to becoming one requires the curiosity, strength and courage of a warrior. "Living Cancer Free" is an auto-biographical story by 20-year cancer survivor, Sara Quiriconi, Live Free Warrior. Self-proclaimed the modern day Holden Caulfield with a cancer twist, Quiriconi cites her history and real-life "cancerous" struggles with anorexia, bulimia, alcohol addiction, lymphoma cancer, divorce, PTSD, unfulfilling jobs, and more.

    This true story is not just for someone experiencing an actual diagnosis, but rather anyone seeking the light within their own darkness, or "cancers".

    Divided into the three sections:

    Part 1 describes Quiriconi's life B.C. (before cancer). Part 2 recaps her discovery of purpose, love and living free A.D. (after cancer's death).Part 3 Workbook with exercises and tools to Living a "Cancer-Free" life, from the lessons and experiences shared in Part 1 and 2 of the novel.

    "Living Cancer Free" will transform anyone who reads it, to live life to its fullest, like a warrior, and empowers readers to embrace the big C: CHOICE.

    This book aims to illuminate, insight and inspire its listeners to awaken to the life they can choose to live. Because "while we cannot always pick the hand of cards we've been dealt, we certainly can choose how we play them." "Living Cancer Free" The Workbook Introduction, by Sara Quiriconi

    ©2018 Sara Quiriconi (P)2024 Sara Quiriconi

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