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  • Living Authentically: A Guide for Women of Colour

  • Uplifting All Women to Live in Our Truth
  • De : E. E. Clay
  • Lu par : Thandile Kondilati
  • Durée : 3 h et 38 min

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Living Authentically: A Guide for Women of Colour

De : E. E. Clay
Lu par : Thandile Kondilati
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    Being a woman is a thing of worth, and being black is what we should be proud of. However, being a woman can be challenging. I guess you know that by now. Finding a balance between work, family, and personal life can be difficult. Many times, these challenges could affect us, and we begin to see life from a negative perspective. I am sure you would have heard the news of how women commit suicide or how some became the shadow of themselves. These and many more inspired me to write this book to help black women approach life positively and embrace the moments that life brings their way.

    One of the challenges that affect black women is mental illness. For many years, there have been misconceptions about mental illnesses, and many women are dying in silence. This book will explore more on the subject of mental health and how women should approach it. I also debunked some misconceptions about mental health. You will find the courage to live above the stigma that comes with mental health challenges and embrace positivity regardless of your challenge.

    ©2022 Ethelynn Clay (P)2023 Lynn Clay

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