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Couverture de Livin' La Vida Lockdown

Livin' La Vida Lockdown

De : Belle Henderson
Lu par : Helen Collins
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    Alannah Robertson is winning at life; she’s doing just fine. She has a good job in fashion retail, a lovely boyfriend, great friends, and a gorgeous flat by the sea in her hometown of Coolsbay. Life is great. Until the world is hit by a pandemic, swiftly followed by a lockdown. The unthinkable has happened in the 21st century, and Alannah soon finds herself in the world of risqué Zoom calls, talk of job losses, and strained relationships. But she’s happy enough stuck in lockdown with boyfriend Jake--it’s a chance to truly bond, discuss the future, marriage, a baby? Maybe both, even if Jake is turning into a lazy, zombie-obsessed slob. The pandemic is about to unlock a whole lot of possibilities for Alannah. The question is, will she take them? Or will she stay as she is, just content instead of Livin’ La Vida Lockdown?

    People cope in different ways during a time of crisis. Will Alannah be surprised at the ways some of her loved ones are acting? Are they the people she thought they were? Were they ever? Don't miss this hilarious romcom now! For fans of Sophia Money-Coutts, Tracy Bloom, and Sophie Ranald.

    ©2020 Belle Henderson (P)2022 Belle Henderson

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