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De : Terry Beckstrom
Lu par : Terry Beckstrom
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    A must-listen audiobook that could actually save your life. 

    The world is changing all around us, and the dynamics of crime continue to move in the wrong direction. The old adage "The best defense is a strong offense" rings true in the contents of this audiobook, and it is our responsibility to bolster that offense through education and preparation.

    Criminal activity in the US and abroad affects everyone to some extent, and the days of the "it won't happen to me" mentality have faded. Livesafe will challenge you to make simple adjustments to your lifestyle that will enhance your safety and security and that of your family. The audiobook offers the listener an eye-opening and compelling synopsis of the criminal threats and challenges we face in everyday life and what we can do to mitigate that threat.

    Author Terry Beckstrom provides an easy-to-listen-to, practical guide to personal and family security that no home should be without. Livesafe will change the way you think and live and point you in the right direction toward becoming more aware, focused, and prepared for the threats we face.

    ©2015 Terry Beckstrom (P)2019 Terry Beckstrom

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