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Couverture de Live Freely: Freedom to Work Whenever, Wherever!

Live Freely: Freedom to Work Whenever, Wherever!

De : Sapphire Starr
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    A life-changing guide for creating financial and location independence. Live Freely: Freedom to Work Whenever, Wherever! is a how-to guide that provides a looking-glass into the author's story of triumph and how she went from a teen mom living in Savannah, GA, to globetrotting scientist and CEO. Through the practical principles outlined in this guide, she demonstrates how she got out of debt, fired her boss, and began traveling the world. You will learn how to build wealth and create passive income to invest. You will be inspired and empowered to take control of your personal finances to achieve personal freedom and begin living life on your own terms.

    Live Freely: Freedom to Work Whenever, Wherever! will give you a solid foundation on how to manage your finances by guiding you through the maze of money matters and giving you practical, straightforward advice that you can refer back to when needed.

    In this guide you will:

    • Find hope to take charge of your finances and begin living life on your own terms.
    • Learn how to create a freedom vision and plan to shift your money mindset to get out of debt and accumulate wealth.
    • Track spending and set a budget. Creating a cash flow statement and budget will help you make more thoughtful decisions on your future spending and saving.
    • Know the best strategies for saving money and how it can help you reach financial freedom.
    • Create financial goals. Setting short- and long-term financial goals, then aligning your spending and saving with these goals, can help you get on track - and stay on track.
    • Understand credit scores and credit reports. You’ll learn the factors that can positively and negatively impact your credit score, as well as strategies for maintaining or improving your credit score.
    • Learn investment basics. Arm yourself with the fundamentals so you can make better decisions about where and how your money is invested.
    • Generate residual and remote income to work whenever, wherever.
    • And much, much more!
    ©2020 Sapphire Wilder (P)2022 Sapphire Wilder

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