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De : J.N. Paquet
Lu par : Libby O'Leary
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How do you explain something like the Paris or Brussels attacks to a child? This book could help both children and parents. Millions of parents across the globe struggle to explain to their children the horrific events that happen in Paris, Brussels, Ankara, Jakarta, Istanbul, Beirut, Grand-Bassam, Yaounde, Mogadishu, Ouagadougou, Lahore, etc.

Since other children or adults at school will probably mention them or talk about them, how do you explain something like that to a child? For a children's author, this has to be the most difficult piece to write.

After hours trying to put into easy words various feelings and images he had seen on TV footage and in Internet reports, J. N. Paquet eventually wrote a story, which he thinks might help children and parents when such terrible events happen. The text of the story is as specific and at the same time as general as possible, so it can be played for any child anywhere, because terrorism acts are not confined to one location only.

©2016 J.N. PAQUET (P)2016 JNPAQUET Books Ltd
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Jeunesse
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