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Couverture de Little War in London

Little War in London

De : James Ward
Lu par : Clive Johnson
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    After an acrimonious US election whose outcome Moscow may or may not have influenced, can it really be that a few maverick intelligence agents from Russia and the United States are fighting a discreet battle to the death on some of London’s back streets? And that the corpses are piling up, out of sight of the British police? And even that the whole thing could spiral at any moment into God knows what version of a third world war? Or is that just more “fake news”? Well, luckily, no it isn’t. Not yet, anyway. Because the media still hasn’t heard about it. But that could change.

    When MI7 Agent John Mordred is assigned to investigate, he discovers a veritable Schrödinger’s cat situation in which the relevant facts are neither wholly present nor entirely absent. And where some of the evidence lies closer to home than is comfortable. Slowly, possibilities emerge that surpass his greatest apprehensions. Or do they? Just what is the truth anyway, and why do we care?

    ©2017 James Ward (P)2019 James Ward

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