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Couverture de Little Orange Pumpkin

Little Orange Pumpkin

De : Erin Guendelsberger, Jennifer Zivoin - illustrator
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    On a magical night filled with frights, one little pumpkin gets a bigger scare and has a bigger adventure than she bargained for!

    Little Orange Pumpkin has been waiting all year for Halloween night to come! She has big plans to collect lots of candy and find all the spooky, scary things in her neighborhood, and she is going to do it all by herself, no matter what her Mommy and Daddy say. Deep in her heart, she believes she is ready, but when Little Pumpkin slips into a magical, spooky world full of monsters, she realizes that maybe she doesn't want to be a big pumpkin just yet! This Halloween, she just might learn you're never alone when you have family who love you.

    Little Orange Pumpkin is a heartwarming story you'll want to listen to again and again. Full of imagination and Halloween adventure, this story will remind you there's nothing like home to feel safe and loved.

    Why listeners love Little Orange Pumpkin:

    For fans of the New York Times and USA Today bestseller Little Red Sleigh

    Parents, grandparents, and caregivers will love listening to this nostalgic inspirational book to kids

    Perfect Halloween gift for ages 4-7, birthday or graduation gift, or enjoyment for any time of year!

    Screen-free fun for children

    ©2024 Erin Guendelsberger (P)2024 Recorded Books
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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