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Couverture de Little Miss Little Compton

Little Miss Little Compton

De : Arden Myrin, Debby Ryan
Lu par : Arden Myrin
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    Comedian and actress Arden Myrin delivers a hilarious and heartfelt memoir about navigating adulthood and her rise on the comedy scene despite an unconventional upbringing.

    Arden Myrin is the product of not one, but two hasty decisions. Her paternal grandparents ran off and got married 24 hours after they met. Arden's parents did one better - they married on a dare. Growing up in Arden's family, her dad ate nothing but sheet cake, while her mom was busy teaching a Cub Scout troop how to put on a Broadway musical. Oh, and she grew up in a small farm town called Little Compton, Rhode Island. Human population: 3,518. Cow population: 278. General store: one. Stop lights: zero.

    At 19, Arden packed her bags with stars in her eyes and landed at ImprovOlympic in Chicago, where for the first time in her life she felt like she finally made sense. After drinking in as much comedy experience (and Sea Breezes) as she could, Arden got her big break when she was cast on an NBC sitcom. She moved to Los Angeles, knowing no one, and quickly realized she had no clue how to be a fully grown human adult on her own.

    How do you date someone and not ruin it? How do you interact with people if you have a teeny bit of social anxiety? How do you stand up for yourself if you're a people pleaser? And most of all, how do you start to believe that you are enough?

    From small-town Rhode Island to accidentally kicking Courteney Cox in the face on a soundstage in Hollywood, Arden's hilarious, inspiring, and honest story shows listeners how one totally unconventional upbringing might be the very thing one needs to thrive, all while showing up as your most outrageous, authentic self. Shout out to Little Compton! Woot woot!

    ©2020 Arden Myrin (P)2020 Running Press Adult


    "There is no one more talented than Arden -- her writing cuts me right to my core and makes me laugh the very next second."—Amy Schumer

    "Lucille Ball meets David Sedaris and travels to Little Compton, Rhode Island. Arden Myrin laughs at herself first and makes you want to do the same! You won't find a prettier, smarter, wittier CLOWN ever. JUMP in and read about the circus Arden Myrin grew up with. FUNNY, FUNNY, and even FUNNIER!"—Connie Shulman (Orange Is the New Black, Doug)

    "I do not use this word lightly when describing somebody. In fact, it is a word I use so infrequently that I don't think I have ever used it before. So, when I say Arden Myrin is a 'wack-a-doodle' you know I mean business. Arden's book is funny in an off-kilter, head-cocking way. It is the kind of funny that makes you laugh, then think about why you are laughing, then laugh even harder as your reward for having figured out that what she has said is even funnier below the surface than it is above. She is either cheerfully malevolent or malevolently cheerful; I cannot figure out which. Perhaps it is both. That would make sense, since keeping people on their toes while making them laugh and fall in love a little bit are all qualities that make the wack-a-doodle so deadly." —Michael Ian Black (Author of You're Not Doing It Right: Tales of Marriage, Sex, Death, and Other Humiliations)

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