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  • Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells

  • Tess Whitehurst's Practical Magic, Book 2
  • De : Tess Whitehurst
  • Lu par : Harriet Seed
  • Durée : 2 h et 59 min

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Couverture de Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells

Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells

De : Tess Whitehurst
Lu par : Harriet Seed
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    Powerful protection magic is within reach!

    In this audiobook, you will learn to align with divinity and tap into divine power so you can feel safe wherever you go. It will empower you to wake up in the morning knowing you can courageously face and gracefully navigate whatever happens. You'll learn the basics of protection magic, along with useful exercises you can keep in your back pocket for life. You'll meet divine helpers you can call on anytime, discover protective charms and talismans for various purposes, and gain access to a wealth of powerful protection spells that can be employed for a wide range of purposes.

    If you want to feel safe, relaxed, and at home in the world, you're in the right place. Congratulations! You've found your way.

    This little guide will put you on the fast track to working protection magic like a pro!

    In Little Guide to Protection Magic, you will find:

    • Easy to understand protection magic basics
    • Spells for protecting yourself
    • Spells for protecting your loved ones
    • Spells for protecting your stuff
    • Daily practices that will help you feel grounded and safe
    • Angels to invoke for protection
    • Crystals, herbs, and other charms for protection
    • And lots more!
    ©2021 Tess Whitehurst (P)2021 Tess Whitehurst

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