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Couverture de Little Cloud

Little Cloud

De : Eric Carle
Lu par : Kevin R. Free
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    At last! Here's an audiobook edition of an Eric Carle book that's a favorite with littlest cloud gazers everywhere! 

    Little Cloud likes to stand out from the crowd. When all the other clouds drift up, he goes his own way, changing shapes to become a sheep, an airplane, a shark, and a funny clown. It's all lots of fun, but so is playing with friends. So this time, Little Cloud joins the crowd, gathering with his pals into one giant cloud. And then they rain!

    In Little Cloud, Eric Carle celebrates the possibilities of imagination in a story that will encourage the youngest child to read clouds.

    ©2001 Eric Carle (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Carle's luminous collage art features broad, swirling strokes reminiscent of finger painting. As minimalist as the text, these images may well inspire kids to cast more creative glances at the sky." (Publishers Weekly)

    "Simplicity itself.... A perfect story-hour choice [that] segues nicely into a trip outside to look at the sky." (Booklist)

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