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Couverture de Lips Unsealed

Lips Unsealed

De : Belinda Carlisle
Lu par : Belinda Carlisle
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    The women of the iconic '80s band the Go-Go’s will always be remembered as they appeared on the back of their debut record: sunny, smiling, each soaking in her own private bubble bath with chocolates and champagne. The photo is a perfect tribute to the fun, irreverent brand of pop music that the Go-Go’s created, but it also conceals the trials and secret demons that the group—and, in particular, Belinda Carlisle—struggled with.

    Leaving her unstable childhood home at the age of 18, Belinda battled serious weight issues and grappled with her confusion about being deserted by her biological father. This talented but misguided teen found solace in the punk rock world that so openly welcomed misfits—even though acceptance had its price.

    Not long after forming, the Go-Go’s became queens of the L.A. punk scene. With a chart-topping debut album, Belinda found herself launched to international superstardom—and with that fame came more access to A-list parties, and even more alcohol and drugs to fuel Go-Go’s mania. Inevitably, Belinda began to self-destruct.

    This spellbinding and shocking look at her rise, fall, and eventual rebirth as a wife, mother, and sober artist will leave you wistfully fantasizing about the '80s decadence she epitomized, but also cringing at the dark despair hidden behind her charming smile. Lips Unsealed is ultimately a love letter to music and the story of a life that, though deeply flawed, was, and is still, fully lived.

    ©2010 Belinda Carlisle (P)2010 Random House


    "Generously confessional enough to give a compelling edge to her battle with substance abuse and her quest for spiritual balance...a harrowing cautionary tale.” ( Kirkus Reviews)
    “A remarkable early Cinderella story...Carlisle writes candidly…heartfelt and winning.” ( Publishers Weekly)

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