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  • Lions Raised as Lambs

  • Your Guide to Being a Better Man. A More Passionate and Successful Warrior, Lover, Husband, Father, and Leader
  • De : Eric Rogell, Rob James
  • Lu par : Eric Rogell
  • Durée : 3 h et 27 min

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Lions Raised as Lambs

De : Eric Rogell, Rob James
Lu par : Eric Rogell
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    Are you a man who's ever questioned whether you're living up to your full potential? A man who's felt the burning desire to unleash your true power, and become the powerful husband, father, and leader your family, and the world, needs? A father who is a strong, positive role model for your children?

    I so, Lions Raised as Lambs is your ultimate playbook—designed for you, the modern man navigating the dynamic landscape of complex expectations and ever-evolving gender roles. In this transformative book, you’ll embark on a sacred journey that men have undertaken for millennia.

    Showing you how to naturally overcome the challenges so many men face—the self-doubt, the crippling lack of confidence, and the overwhelming fear and anxiety that can weigh you down—using tools and skills already inside you. More than just a book; it's a transformative experience. Told through a powerful allegory, you’ll gain valuable insights into yourself and how the way you were raised has impacted who you are.

    You’ll come out the other side your absolute best self. More confident, more capable, more connected.

    ©2023 Eric Rogell, Rob James (P)2023 Eric Rogell

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