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Do you want to use the Linux operating system, but are too overwhelmed?

Do you have no idea how to use the command line?

This book is for you! The simple beginner’s guide to the Linux operating system and its unique features.

Linux offers some great advantages over other operating systems like Windows and iOS, as it gives you all the freedom to do whatever you want. The drawback of that is that it’s a little bit harder to use and you might take some time to adjust to its unique style.

Almost 99 percent of the world’s quickest computers use Linux as their operating system, as it is insanely fast and reliable even though it might not be the most popular one. And since they are using it, why wouldn’t you?

Benefits of using Linux

  • It is 100 percent for FREE! – Everything is open source
  • Very stable – No blue screens or crashes
  • Freedom – You have access to pretty much all the source code
  • Safety – Linux is less vulnerable to malware
  • Steady speed – Linux doesn’t slow down over time
  • And the list goes on…

This is the perfect guide to get you started if you are a beginner and want to have a better Linux experience. As mentioned above, if you don’t know how, Linux can be really hard to figure out. This book will save you a lot of time and unnecessary stress.

Here is a preview of what’s included…

  • What is Linux?
  • Understanding Linux and its file system
  • How to install Linux
  • First steps to take with Linux
  • Useful applications for Linux
  • How to use the Linux command line
  • The basics of administration and security

At the end of the book, you will have a good understanding of how the Linux operating system works and how to use it. You will also be able to use the command line and Linux shell scripting with ease which will make your Linux experience much more enjoyable!

©2017 Henry Fahl (P)2022 Henry Fahl
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
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