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Couverture de Lily and Maia

Lily and Maia

De : Jack Horner
Lu par : John R. "Jack" Horner, Priya Dath
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    “You can hear the footsteps, the wind, and the dinosaurs!”

    This charming children’s book, authored by Jack Horner, the paleontologist of Jurassic Park fame, is magically brought to life through beautifully executed and immersive sound design.

    Lily is an empowered third grader who never thought, even in her wildest dreams, that she would meet a real dinosaur, even as an accomplished science detective and explorer herself.

    Follow Lily on her time-travelling adventure to the prehistoric world of Montana’s badlands with her new best friend, a young Maiasaura named Maia. Seeing the dinosaur nesting grounds and witnessing dino parents care for their newborn and young babies is an unforgettable experience for this budding young scientist. Lily is so inspired that she uses her STEM skills to collect her observations for her own dinosaur research.

    Imagine hearing footsteps near your tent, and then discovering it is a one-year-old Maiasaura dinosaur who wants to show you, her world! Full of adventure and scientific facts about dinosaurs and how science is done, this touching story will inspire all ages to get out in nature and to explore.

    Never Stop Discovering! As Jack does each summer with Dr. Holly Woodward Ballard, to whom Jack dedicated this book about a girl who loves dinosaur science, just like Holly did when she was young.

    The soundscapes and original music score of this audiobook version create a cozy atmosphere for your listening adventure together with young children or as they listen on their own while falling asleep and dreaming about their own dinosaur friends.

    ©2023 John R. Horner (P)2024 John R. Horner
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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