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  • Likeable Badass

  • How Women Get the Success They Deserve
  • De : Alison Fragale
  • Durée : 10 h

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Likeable Badass

De : Alison Fragale
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    'Will help you do the best work of your life' Kim Scott, bestselling author of Radical Candor

    'A must-read' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Think Again

    'With warmth, humour, and powerful personal stories, Fragale provides women with actionable advice for achieving greater success in the workplace' Sheryl Sandberg, bestselling author of Lean In

    Want to earn credit for your accomplishments, negotiate better, and navigate complex office politics while still being liked by your colleagues? Likeable Badass is the ultimate guide to advance in any workplace, full of tips, tricks, and strategies to help you get the success you deserve.

    Many women's workplace issues boil down to status. No amount of power-- no degree, title, or salary-- will raise a woman's workplace stature unless it also affects how others perceive her. Acknowledging this roadblock, behavioural scientist Alison Fragale pulls back the curtain on how we can change how others see us by developing our standing as a "likeable badass." Through cultivating perceptions of warmth and assertiveness, women can achieve the kind of reputation that leads to a seat at the table and a fulfilling career path.

    Likeable Badass weaves together powerful new insights with actionable advice and impactful stories from a diverse array of women. This is a warm, heartening book written for women, their allies, and anyone who struggles to rise, and wants evidence-based, practical strategies for success.
    ©2024 Alison Fragale (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Limited


    'Essential reading for every woman who aspires to make a difference. Likeable Badass shows us how to cultivate our unique capacity and power to drive the change we want to see in the world.' (Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director of Caring Across Generations and President of the National Domestic Workers Alliance)

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