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  • Like Dolphins

  • The Barbell Spy Fiction series
  • De : Andy Onyx
  • Lu par : Andy Onyx
  • Durée : 7 h et 46 min

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Like Dolphins

De : Andy Onyx
Lu par : Andy Onyx
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    Like Dolphins – “Withnail and Spy"

    "Trainspotting meets Cold War Espionage.”- is the gritty third installment of the BARBELL Spy fiction series.

    November, 1989: London-Amsterdam-Berlin.

    A perfect Stasi marriage is rocked by receipt of a shocking heirloom; a haul of Nazi looted masterpieces. All key to Operation Metatron, the sordid brainchild of Kremlin hardliner, General Usov.

    The works are to be exchanged in Amsterdam for a narcotic shipment, via art magnate and Soviet sleeper, Chester Perpetual. Objective: an orgy of civil unrest in East Berlin.

    London receives intel on the plot from the other-worldly agent, Oniwaban, with only a strange request for the handover of an antique Japanese artefact as recompense…

    The BARBELL cell of Breakspear (St John Bradley) and Kestrel (Jamie Wallace) are deployed on their thirteenth mission: Amsterdam, to infiltrate Perpetual’s GDR-bound vice-line and make the trade with Oniwaban in East Berlin. What could go wrong?

    Beyond Wall lie the answers: switched sides, sworn vengeance, and a betrayal with unthinkable roots.

    Spy games cost, will loyalty pay?

    ©2022 A.M. O'Connor (P)2024 A.M. O'Connor

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