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  • Light Over Darkness the Christian's Lighthouse

  • John 12:46 KJV "I Am Come a Light into the World, That Whosoever Believeth on Me Should Not Abide in Darkness."
  • De : Rockpark6
  • Lu par : Paul Underwood
  • Durée : 10 h et 6 min

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Light Over Darkness the Christian's Lighthouse

De : Rockpark6
Lu par : Paul Underwood
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    The Christian’s Lighthouse is a portal of messages derived from God’s word, his scriptures, and from those inspired by his love. The portal begins with giving you locations of scriptures. Listening to the lord’s scriptures enlightens you about the lord, yourself, and the way of life he wants you to live. The only way you can serve God, the Father, and his son, Jesus, is to know them for you cannot serve the Father without serving the Son first, John 14:6 KJV. In serving the Son, you are serving the Father.

    When you travel through the scriptures you begin to learn about love, hate, forgiveness, faith, belief, trust, relationships, obedience, endurance, selflessness; what we mean to our heavenly father and his son, Jesus. We learn to appreciate the love god and his son have for each other of which they gave to mankind. Each moment of each day we are allowed to live is precious time the lord gives to us to know and embrace him. Our future is dependent upon what we do today. Our salvation is dependent upon studying the word of God, being obedient to his will, word, and way, and sharing the love our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus has given us. Our soul is a precious commodity to the lord. He does not want our souls to perish but be with him in glory. Choosing him as your Savior is the beginning of the renewing of your mind, Romans 12:1-2 KJV. The old person becomes anew for Jesus. Salvation is planted and Jesus is nourishing you with righteousness. The Lord pulls us out of the world of deception, darkness, and places us in his hands of protection from evil. He guides us on his narrow road of righteousness in a daily Christian walk that leads to his heavenly kingdom.

    ©2022 Geraldine F Parker (P)2023 Geraldine F Parker

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