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Couverture de Light My Pyre

Light My Pyre

De : Kat Kinney
Lu par : Monica Franklin
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    EVERWOOD FALLS a small supernatural community tucked up in the Colorado Rockies where witches, werewolves and vampires can live without fear of discovery, and those with curses they can't control are sent to keep the existence of magic from being revealed to Mundanes.

    As a prince of the fae High Court, Asher Heath has always been caught between two worlds, the kingdom of faerie where his fire magic is unparalleled and the human realm where he works as a firefighter. But two months ago, he lost control of a blaze his fae magic was supposed to contain, with tragic results.

    With his magic poisoned by a demon curse, he can't risk getting close to anyone including Gwyn, the fierce and beautiful dragon shifter he encounters out in a thunderstorm in the woods. But trouble has followed Asher to Everwood Falls. An arsonist is setting fires around town using demon magic to possess their victims and their targets get bigger every time.

    Gwyneth Drake doesn't need a prince to save her. She shifts into a twenty-foot fire-breathing dragon who can fight her own battles. A fierce advocate for the dragon community, she was forced into hiding when an ex tried to sear her dragon from the skies. Now dragon blood has been found at one of the arson sites and she and Asher will have to work together to stop the arsonist before they strike again. Someone from Gwyn's past may have followed her to Everwood Falls, and they're too close to the case for comfort.

    With a herd of enchanted elk, carnivorous spruce trees, and sentient pumpkins that stalk the local landscaping, Everwood Falls is a quirky mountain town where scales and fur mean found family.

    ©2023 Kat Kinney (P)2024 Kat Kinney

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