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  • Light Messages from the Pleiades

  • A New Matrix of Galactic Order
  • De : Pavlina Klemm
  • Lu par : Aura Paige
  • Durée : 6 h et 18 min

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Light Messages from the Pleiades

De : Pavlina Klemm
Lu par : Aura Paige
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    • Introduces the concept of the Cosmic Pharmacy available to anyone and accessible through meditation and exercises

    • Explores Pleiadian healing techniques to regenerate our DNA with chakra healing, the cosmic sounds, and high-vibrational healing numbers

    • Includes exercises, affirmations, and meditations, all charged by the Pleiadians with positive frequencies that activate remembering and healing

    We are in the midst of a light-filled revolution. As humanity is awakening from its sleep, the Pleiadians are sending wisdom to assist in the ascension process on Earth. Transmitting their high vibrations, healer and Pleiadian channel Pavlina Klemm shares the light messages she has received from the higher beings known as the Pleiadians on the Great Awakening that is taking place worldwide. The messages highlight the earthly path of liberation from dark forces and stress the importance of incarnation and reincarnation during these challenging years. They describe the oversoul of one’s family and the morphogenetic field of the children as well as how to support individuals, families, and children in the regeneration of DNA through Pleiadian healing techniques.

    Meditations and exercises allow us to effortlessly tap into the Cosmic Pharmacy in order to support our healing and clear and strengthen our chakras. Cosmic healing sounds prompt us to remember our pure essence, and high-vibration healing numbers help us heal, purify, and rejuvenate. Connecting us to the frequencies of cosmic freedom, the Pleiadians help us fulfill our soul’s mission in the cosmic revolution and create a positive future on Earth.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021, 2023 Pavlina Klemm. All Rights Reserved. (P)2021 Inner Traditions Audio. All Rights Reserved.

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