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Couverture de Life in London

Life in London

De : Pierce Egan, Dan Tetsall
Lu par : Mark Gatiss, Greg Wise, James Bachman, Geoffrey McGivern, Dave Lamb, Amanda Abbington, Alex MacQueen, Morwenna Banks, full cast
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    Pierce Egan's renowned 19th-century comic novel adapted by Dan Tetsell is a rollicking real tour of the sprawling post-Regency metropolis in the years before the Victorians turned up and made everything boring. 

    Comedy drama showing the 'fast life' of Regency London, starring Mark Gatiss, Greg Wise and James Bachman, and Geoffrey McGivern as Pierce Egan. 

    We travel through London town all in the company of garrulous author Pierce Egan, cocksure urbanite Corinthian Tom, his naive Somerset cousin Jerry Hawthorn and their drunken compatriot Bob. 

    Tom and Jerry visit a cockfight, try to buy a horse, meet a sporting legend and lay a wager on which is better, London or the West Country. Meanwhile, garrulous narrator Pierce Egan takes literary critic William Hazlitt to his first boxing match. The lads of Regency London drink with the lower orders in the East End and generally get up to mischief around town. 

    When Pierce Egan falls on hard times, will his adventures help him make his fortune or will this be the end of the trio's life together? 

    When first published the popularity of Pierce Egan's book amounted to a craze, as society tried to guess the real life characters featuring in the tales. The celebrity obsession of the Regency period is depicted in this cleverly adapted comedy. 


    In Training for a Swell 

    The Fancy 

    Mr Lushington 

    High and Low Life 

    The Show Folks 

    An End to Life in London 


    Pierce Egan - Geoffrey McGivern 

    Corinthian Tom - Greg Wise 

    Jerry Hawthorn - Mark Gatiss 

    Bob Logic - James Bachman 

    Old Hawthorn - Christopher Douglas 

    Corinthian Kate - Amanda Abbington 

    Mrs Belcher / Fishwife - Laura Shavin 

    Mr Primefit / Sir Richard / Actor - Dave Lamb 

    Plausible Jack/ Jarvey / George Sala - Ben Graves 

    William Hazlitt/Tom Cribb/ Hustle - Alex MacQueen 

    Mrs Egan - Alys Torrence 

    Lady Wanton - Morwenna Banks 

    Fanny - Margaret Cabourn Smith 

    Theodore Holt / Dick Trifle- Giles Taylor 

    Mr Jonah / Pickpocket - Neil Edmond 

    Production Credits 

    Written by Pierce Egan 

    Adapted by Dan Tetsell 

    Music: Ben Walker 

    Producer: Tilusha Ghelani 

    First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 1st May, 8th May, 15th May, 22nd May, 29th May, 5th June 2006 

    ©2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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