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Couverture de Life


De : M. Piper
Lu par : Daniel James Lewis
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    I've known one thing to be true all of my adult life.
    Millie is my girl.
    She’s been the sunshine on every cloudy day of mine since the day we met in the back of that truck in high school. People thought we were insane marrying so young. They said we’d never make it. Now, after 15 years, two kids, a successful career, and an incredibly blessed marriage I feel like I have the world at my fingertips.
    Until one day it’s all ripped away from me.
    I'll do anything to go back to the life we had.
    Now I’m in the hospital, day in and day out, talking to the shell of my wife, begging her to wake up.
    They say she won’t. Everyone’s losing hope, but I can’t.
    If it takes me retelling her our life story for the next 20 years I’d do it. Because somewhere in there I know she can hear me. Some people have to go through hell to get their happy-ever-after.
    It’s that same hell that’s threatening to tear ours apart.

    ©2018 M. Piper (P)2018 M. Piper

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