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Couverture de Lies Run Deep

Lies Run Deep

De : Valerie Brandy
Lu par : Susan Marlowe
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    A tropical paradise. A wedding party. Among them... is a killer.

    Attempting to leave her traumatic past behind, newlywed Zoe heads to a beautiful tropical island in the remote Seychelles to honeymoon with her husband, Mike. But when the pair wakes up stranded on an archipelago with their entire wedding party, it's clear the past has caught up with them. Someone in the group is working with figures from Zoe's past to betray them, confirming Zoe's worst fear: that she can never outrun what she thought she left behind.

    Using her survival skills, Zoe creates a plan to escape the island, while simultaneously investigating the wedding party to root out the betrayer. But when a boat appears on the island with a note attached, discovering the mole becomes a matter of survival. The boat will only operate if Zoe can type the name of the person who betrayed them into a console-- rigged with dynamite. One wrong answer, and the group may be stranded forever-- with Zoe still unsure if anyone in her life can be trusted.

    When one of their party turns up murdered, it's clear the clock is ticking, and the danger is among them. Will Zoe place her trust in the right person, or will she find herself betrayed again?

    Domestic Thriller and Beach Listen fans will love this dangerous game, played out on an island where treasure is buried not just under the sand, but in the heart of the person next to you.

    ©2024 Valerie Brandy (P)2024 Valerie Brandy

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