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Leviathan and the Merman

De : Kate Labahn
Lu par : Eric Willmott
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Once upon a time on the planet of Entitya on the island of Sinuatollion, a gem dragon named Thrush was attacked by a group of rocs and left badly wounded on a glacier. He was healed by a young mermaid named Occami, who nursed him back to health, and the two became the most unlikely of friends. Before the two had to part, Occami asked Thrush if she turned herself into a gem dragon through magic could they stay together. Thrush, not wanting to hurt his friend’s feelings told her what she wanted to hear. One of them, over time, forgot about their words as life went on. The other never forgot.

Now, fifty years after the events in the book Progeny, Leviathan leaves the sea to visit his other sister Lunaira and her mate Thrush and celebrate their first clutch of eggs with the rest of their gem dragon family. Joy turns to sorrow, as the next morning, the eggs are gone from the nest. Only a note is left behind from someone called the Razor, telling the dragons to come and get the eggs from the water under a place called The Dragon’s Breath before it’s too late.
Leviathan, being the only gem dragon the family knows with the power to swim and breathe underwater, volunteers to rescue the eggs. He returns to the place where he grew up and consults his childhood mentor Old Fred Charles on how to get to the Dragon’s Breath and is told all about this mysterious Razor. Old Fred Charles advises Leviathan to summon an ally on his rescue mission—Mendina’s merman son, Agapaeros.

Across an underwater field of lynsindira plants, the gem dragon and merman meet for the first time. Eventually, the two team up, but will they and the new friends they meet along the way be enough to save the dragon eggs? Or will the Razor make one of the most known and celebrated gem dragon families bleed with sorrow in a deadly plot that’s a cut above revenge?

©2024 Kate Labahn (P)2024 Kate Labahn
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