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  • Level Up Your Life

  • A Biblical Guide to Making Progress on Purpose
  • De : Rick Pina
  • Lu par : Adam Perez
  • Durée : 5 h et 23 min

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Level Up Your Life

De : Rick Pina
Lu par : Adam Perez
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    Leveling up your life is packed with simple and powerful truths from the word of God.

    Rick takes the teachings from the Bible and distills them down into digestible and applicable portions that will change you from the inside out. As you progress, the Biblical principles contained therein will lead you to make intentional progress in five areas of your life:

    1. Spiritual (your relationship with God). You will learn how to grow spiritually so you can become the person God destined you to be.

    2. Financial (money with a mission). You will learn what the Bible says about money, and how to use the resources God places in your hands to fund his kingdom projects around the world.

    3. Physical (walking in divine health). You will learn that God wants you to live long and strong. Divine health is God's will for your life.

    4. Internal (being stable on the inside). You will learn how to maintain your inner peace. You will have peace on the inside, no matter what is happening on the outside.

    5. External (establishing and maintaining the right relationships). You will learn about the key relationships the Lord wants you to have. He sends people to you to develop you, and he then sends others for you to develop. Understanding these relationships is key to living a successful Christian life.

    May the Lord speak to you as you listen to this book, and may you apply what you learn. The goal is to be intentional about becoming who you are called to be. When you apply what you learn in this book, you will make progress on purpose!

    About the author: Rick Piña was born to immigrant parents in Brooklyn, NY. He joined the US Army at the tender age of 17, and served his nation for 25 years. He and his wife, Isabella, lead a non-profit dedicated to sharing the love of God around the world and ministering to the disadvantaged in the Caribbean. Part of Rick’s purpose in life is to help others discover their own. He preaches a message of faith, hope, and grace. He communicates God’s truth with simplicity and understanding in a way that educates, encourages, and inspires.

    ©2021 Rick PIna (P)2023 Rick Pina

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