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  • Letters to My Daughter

  • One Woman's Journey Back to Self-Love
  • De : Elisa Pool
  • Lu par : Elisa Pool
  • Durée : 5 h et 36 min

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Letters to My Daughter

De : Elisa Pool
Lu par : Elisa Pool
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    Letters to My Daughter is a heartfelt exploration of self-discovery, motherhood, and the power of love. Through a series of intimate letters to her daughter, the author delves into the complexities of navigating womanhood, parenting girls, and embracing self-love in a world filled with societal pressures and expectations.

    From the poignant prologue to the emotional afterword, this book is raw and honest, inviting listeners to embark on their own journey of self-discovery. Through personal anecdotes, memories, and reflections on brain science and health, she explores themes of body image, relationships, and the importance of nurturing women's health and self-worth from within. Structured into chapters that mirror the author's own path of self-acceptance, this book offers readers a roadmap for reclaiming a sense of identity and embracing self-love.

    Letters to My Daughter is not just a book about motherhood; it's a testament to the truth that happiness begins with embracing oneself. With its candid prose and profound insights, this book is a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to reconnect with their inner strength and find happiness within themselves.

    ©2024 Elisa Pool (P)2024 Elisa Pool

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