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Letters to Matthew: Life After Loss

De : Louise Bates
Lu par : Louise Bates
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Letters to Matthew: Life After Loss, invites you into the world of grief. It is not sugar coated or edited to make it an easy listen, which is why it has been separated into two distinct parts.

Part one contains the heartfelt letters written by grieving mother Louise to her son Matthew after he died at the age of 27. The letters are a mixture of anguish, deep sorrow, humour, wisdom, personal insights, and experiences that may resonate with others who have lost a special person.

Part two is about her journey of self-discovery and how Louise turned her grief and loss into something positive. This audiobook is not about fixing people or forcing the healing process because, as the audiobook explains, there is no cure for grief. Grief can only be absorbed, carried, experienced, and cared for.

The loss of a child is unimaginable, but Louise has managed to turn this heart-breaking experience into something positive. By sharing her letters, insights, thoughts, and feelings with the world she is not only keeping Matthew’s memory alive but also giving hope to other people that life can meaningful again after the death of a loved one.

Grief is a sensitive subject which makes it challenging for writers to describe in a way that feels both real and honest. Louise has shown her vulnerability and documented her experience in a very brave and open-hearted way.

The audiobook does have an uplifting ending!

©2019 Louise Bates (P)2020 Louise Bates
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